Friday, January 23, 2009

Finding relatives in Facebook

I've been searching around in Facebook for long lost friends, coworkers, and relatives. It is a little hard when they have a common name. For those of you who don't have Facebook accounts, it is a social networking site. It is more to keep in touch with people you already know rather than to find new friends (although you can do that too).

You invite people to be your "friend" and if they agree, you can visit their page, see what they're up to, photos, and send them little "gifts" like pictures of chocolate candy (much less fattening than the real thing). Every time you go on, you can quickly update your "status" which your friends can see. It is just one quick sentence and gives you a window into what they are all doing.

I've really enjoyed seeing what all my friends are doing every day. At first I invited everyone I found, who I knew even remotely, to be my friend. Now I'm a little more selective. I'm not so sure that the people who work for me want me to see what they're doing on their days off, for example. I have learned a lot about the friends that I see regularly and am keeping up with those I rarely see too.

I found some friends from High School! Remember Mary Sue?

This week, I found the daughter of one of my cousins! I've never met her in person. Her dad doesn't have a Facebook account and she doesn't know that any of our other relatives have accounts, but wouldn't it be fun to have mini family reunions this way? I remember my cousin as a hippie with long blond hair. I wonder what he's like now?